UI_GET_* User Interface Functions


Functions that begin with the "UI_GET" prefix.


Prompt user for settings to a list of logical properties.

UI_GET_CHECK2 Function

Dislay a multi-column list of choices, allowing a user to select entries by checking entries.


Display a multi-column list of choices, allowing a user to select entries by checking entries. Returns .lastbutton, .selected, .selected_in_selection_order

UI_GET_DATE Function

Prompt user for date.


Prompts for a date by displaying a popup-calendar.


Prompt for the name of an e-mail template. External = .t. shows templates in text files. Default shows templates in dictionary.


Prompts for an expression. If table_set_name is not specified, current table/set is used. Table_set_name can be a crlf delimited list of tables.


Prompts for a fieldname in the specified table or set. If table/set not specified, current table/set is used.

UI_GET_FILE Function

Prompt user for filename.


Select multiple files. Returns a CRLF delimited list.


Prompts for a filter expression. If table_set_name is not specified, current table/set is used. Table_set_name can be a crlf delimited list of tables.

UI_GET_FONT Function

Prompt the user for a font. Returns the font name selected. If Styles = .t. then prompts for text style.


The UI_GET_FONTNAME() function displays the Select Fontname dialog box.. Prompt for a fontname


The UI_GET_IMAGE_FILENAME() function prompts for an image filename (.bmp or .jpg) and displays an image browser.

UI_GET_KEY Function

Find by key. Type 1 = index name, Type 2 = any expression.


Prompt for a Layout name. Shows layouts for specified table/set. Type is 'all', or a comma delimited list of types. e.g. 'report,label'

UI_GET_LIST Function

UI_GET_LIST() creates and displays a dialog box containing between 1 and 8 listbox choices. Your response is returned as a Result_String that contains the text of the listbox entry that you highlighted before you clicked the dialog box's OK button. This function is useful for obtaining a selection from a list of items. Prompt user for selection from list.

UI_GET_LIST2 Function

Prompts user for selection from a CR-LF delimited list of choices. Style: 1 = single select, 2 = multi-select (click item to select), 3 = multi-select (Shift+Click, Ctrl+Click and Drag are supported)

ui_get_list2p Function

Prompts user for selection from a CR-LF delimited list of choices. Style: 1 = single select, 2 = multi-select (click item to select), 3 = multi-select (Shift+Click, Ctrl+Click and Drag are supported). Same as ui_get_list2(), but returns a pointer with .lastbutton and .selection properties.

UI_GET_LIST3 Function

Displays a listbox-checkbox. User can select multiple items. Items are returned in the same order in which they are selected.

UI_GET_LIST3P Function

Displays a listbox-checkbox. User can select multiple items. Items are returned in the same order in which they are selected. Same as ui_get_list3(), but returns two properties: .lastbutton and .selection


UI_GET_LIST_ARRAY() displays a dialog box with a list box filled with the contents of a character array. Your response is returned as a Result_String that contains the contents of the listbox entry that you either double-clicked or highlighted before you clicked the dialog box's OK button. This function is useful for selecting a value from the contents of an array. The Result_String will be empty ("") if the Cancel button is selected. Prompt user for selection from list.


UI_GET_NUMBER() creates and displays a dialog box containing a number field. The number that you enter or change is returned as a Result String. This function is useful for obtaining a number value that conforms to a specified format. Use the VAL()function on the Result_String to get the number. Prompt user for number.


UI_GET_NUMBER_CALCULATOR() prompts the user for a number by displaying a calculator in which the user can do calculations. When the user presses the = key, the calculation is performed, and the result is returned in Result_String. This function returns a character value. This function is useful in Xdialog dialog boxes. Use the VAL()function on the Result_String to get the number. Prompt for a number using a calculator.

ui_get_object_name Function

Prompt for the name of an object on the current form.


The UI_GET_OPERATION() function displays a list of Operations for a given table/set and showing names of specified Operation types.


Prompts for an order expression. If table_set_name is not specified, current table/set is used. Table_set_name can be a crlf delimited list of tables.


Internal Use Only


Internal Use Only.


UI_GET_PASSWORD() creates and displays a dialog box to prompt for a password. The Result String will be empty ("") if the Cancel button is selected.


The UI_GET_PRINT_OR_PREVIEW() function displays the Print Method dialog box and returns the user's selection. It prompts users to answer if the layout should be printed or previewed.


The UI_GET_PROPERTY_NAME() function displays a dialog box with that lets you select any object property and view its current value.


The UI_GET_QUERY_NAME() function prompts for the name of a saved Query operation.


UI_GET_RADIO() creates and displays a dialog box containing between 1 and 8 radio buttons. Your response is returned as a Result_String that contains the text of the button that you chose when you clicked the dialog box's OK button. This function is useful for obtaining an answer to a multiple choice condition.

UI_GET_RADIO2 Function

The UI_GET_RADIO2() function creates and displays a dialog box containing radio buttons generated by a CR-LF delimited list of up to 20 choices. The list of choices is increased is passed into the function as a single argument (a CR-LF delimited list), rather than one argument per choice, as is the case with UI_GET_RADIO(). Your response is returned as a Result that contains the text of the button that you chose when you clicked the dialog box's OK button. This function is useful for obtaining an answer to a multiple choice condition.


The UI_GET_RANGE() function displays the Select Filter dialog box to help the user select a filter or range for the current table or set.

UI_get_short_time Function

Prompts for a short time.


Prompt for table and/or set. Display choices from current database. Type is "table","set" or "both".

UI_GET_TEXT Function

UI_GET_TEXT() creates and displays a dialog box containing a text field. The text that you enter or change is returned as a Result_String. This function is useful for obtaining a text string that conforms to a specified format.

ui_get_text2 Function

Same as ui_get_text() but returns two properties: .value and .lastbutton (ok, or cancel)

UI_Get_Time Function

Prompts for a full time value (date and time).